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Tier 1 Training - Highest Level Advanced Players (Ages 8-17)

  • 365 Days
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


✅ Description: This program is designed for HIGH LEVEL ADVANCED PLAYERS who can attend training 2-4 times per week. 100% Flexible to any players schedule. Customized options like family and individual training are available. ➡️ All-in-One Exclusive Package: - Training 2-4 times per week (Can be customized) - 2x/month of Monthly Mindset Training on Saturdays - 2x/month of Monthly Soccer IQ & Player Game Analysis on Saturdays - Custom Player Highlight Reel - Attending player club games in person 1x/mo - Every Player can attend our Friday Fun Pickup Games - Player Evaluations: Using Graphs & Analytics | Will deliver through Email & In-Person - Training Kits: 2 Jerseys - Discount Codes: 25-30% on Available Clinics & 30% off Camps ➡️ Choose between 3 Packages: - 1 Month Trial - 6 Months (48 sessions) - 12 Months (96 Sessions) 🗓️ Schedule: Monday - Thursday @4:45 - 9:00 PM 🕒 Outdoor Duration (Fall, Spring, & Summer): 1 hour 15 min/Session 🕒 Indoor Duration (Winter): 1 Hour/Session 📍 Outdoor Location: Ashburn, VA 📍 Indoor Location: TFE (The Fitness Equation) - Both Locations ⚽️ Coaches: Parsa, Erfan, Koffi 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Age Groups: All players are grouped based on talent and can have the opportunity to play up an older age group if skills are proven. - 8-10 years old - 10-12 years old - 13-17 years old 👥 Small Groups: To ensure personalized attention, we limit each group to a maximum of 6 players. This allows our coaches to focus on each player's growth and progress.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


4 Plans Available, From $689.00/month
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